No matter where you work – or even who you work with – a classic 9-5 can get dreary if you fall into a regular, everyday routine. Your team works hard and deserves a little pick-me-up every now and again, so it’s important to look for different ways to spice up the workplace environment. Here are three ways to get your team’s morale up and running:
Company T-shirts
A simple, classic way to show workplace pride. Whether they have the company logo for everyday uniform wear or are made up for special occasions, custom company t-shirts offer a great opportunity to represent the company and build up team unity all while also keeping your team looking fashionable. With graphic designers readily available, you can customize any design necessary to capture your team’s unique personality. Besides, one can never have too many t-shirts, especially those made specifically for them.
Company Parties
A little celebration can go a long way. Getting a little bit of extra social time in between the team can help ease some workplace stress as well as allow your team to get to know each other a little better. Check to see if there are any special holidays or employee birthdays in the near future. Valentine’s Day or even New Year’s provide ample opportunities to bring out some decorations and food to make the day a little more special. Even if there’s nothing major coming up, taking just a little bit of time to celebrate small accomplishments or successes can boost the company mood.
Gamify Daily Tasks
Incorporate some healthy competition both in and out of the daily workspace. If you’ve got any important deadlines coming up needing to be accomplished, get creative and organize different contests within the team. See which member may be able to knock out the most tasks or who can come up with the best business plans. Go as far as getting outside the four walls and conjuring up a company sports team or league. Giving your teams the freedom to establish team names, make jerseys and so on can help with creativity, and adding in just a little bit of competition can encourage the team to work together more efficiently both inside and outside the office.